
How To Replay Missions In Rdr2

Arthur Morgan and Bill Williamson in a shootout

Listed below are the storyline missions in Cerise Dead Redemption 2. The narrative of Reddish Expressionless Redemption two spans iv or five unlike territories and 109 different missions (94 story missions, equally well as xv "laurels missions") which are separated in vi chapters and a 2-part epilogue. Completing each unique mission tallies in the Progress Menu in the game and the Missions Module of the Social Gild interface and counts towards 100% Completion.

Chapter 1: Colter

" Later on a failed robbery, the gang have fled from Blackwater into the Grizzly Mountains, just a late spring storm has left them one-half frozen and starving. They hole up in an abandoned mining town to lick their wounds and await a break in the weather.
Chapter overview
  1. "Outlaws from the West"
  2. "Enter, Pursued by a Memory"
  3. "The Aftermath of Genesis"
    or "Onetime Friends"
  4. "Who the Hell is Leviticus Cornwall?"
  5. "Eastward Bound"

Chapter two: Horseshoe Overlook

" After a suspension in the weather condition, the gang accept headed downwards from the mountains, and are now hiding at Horseshoe Overlook.

They are outside Valentine, a muddy livestock town, and are figuring out their next moves while re-gathering their strength. Dutch is trying to figure out a new plan for the gang, Hosea is finding places to rob, while Karen and the girls are bored after being stuck in the mountains. Some sometime friends reappear.

Affiliate overview
Who is Not Without Sin co-operative
  1. "Who is Not Without Sin"
  2. "A Strange Kindness"
Go out Pursued by a Bruised Ego branch
  1. "Leave Pursued by a Bruised Ego"
  2. "The Spines of America"
  3. "The Sheep and the Goats"
  4. "A Strange Kindness"
Polite Club, Valentine Way branch
  1. "Polite Society, Valentine Manner"
  2. "Good, Honest, Ophidian Oil"
  3. "Pouring Forth Oil I"
  4. "Pouring Forth Oil II"
  5. "Pouring Forth Oil III"
  6. "Pouring Along Oil Iv"
    or "A Fisher of Men"
  7. "The Sheep and the Goats"
  8. "A Strange Kindness"
Americans at Rest co-operative
  1. "Americans at Rest"
  2. "The First Shall Be Last"
    or "Paying a Social Call"
    or "Coin Lending and Other Sins I"
    • "The First Shall Be Concluding"
      1. "Pouring Along Oil I"
      2. "Pouring Along Oil II"
      3. "Pouring Along Oil III"
      4. "Pouring Along Oil Four"
        or "A Fisher of Men"
      5. "The Sheep and the Goats"
      6. "A Strange Kindness"
    • "Paying a Social Call"
      1. "Nosotros Loved One time and Truthful I"
      2. "Pouring Along Oil I" (see to a higher place for continuation)
        or "We Loved One time and True II"
      3. "We Loved One time and True III" (optional)
      4. "The Sheep and the Goats" (run into continuation above)
    • "Money Lending and Other Sins I"
      1. "Money Lending and Other Sins II"
      2. "We Loved Once and True I" (see continuation above)
        or "Money Lending & Other Sins III" (continues with "The Sheep and the Goats" above)
        or "A Serenity Time" (connected below)
      3. "A Fisher of Men" (continues with "The Sheep and the Goats" in a higher place)
        or "Blessed are the Meek?" (continued beneath)
      4. "An American Pastoral Scene"

Chapter 3: Clemens Point

" The gang got run of Valentine after an altercation with the railway magnate, Leviticus Cornwall, who has grown tired of having his trains robbed by gangs of outlaws. Afraid that the routes westwards were being watched past Pinkerton agents, the gang moved south and due east and are now hiding at Clemens Cove, near the town of Rhodes.

Rhodes is a rundown town that has lost a lot of its Antebellum amuse, and is in the grip of a feud between two one-time local families, the Grays and the Braithwaites. Dutch and Hosea hope to use this dispute to their reward.

Chapter overview

If coming from Affiliate 2 by completing "An American Pastoral Scene", players jump directly into "Advertising, The New American Fine art")

Farther Questions of Female Suffrage branch (only after A Strange Kindness from Ch. 2)
  1. "Further Questions of Female person Suffrage"
  2. "Friends in Very Depression Places"
  3. "A Brusque Walk in a Pretty Town"
  4. "Claret Feuds, Ancient and Mod"
  5. "The Battle of Shady Belle"
The New Due south branch (only after "A Strange Kindness" from Ch. 2)
  1. "The New S"
  2. "The Course of True Dear I"
    or "American Distillation" (goes to "Advertising, The New American Art" below)
    or "An Honest Fault"
    • "The Grade of True Dearest I"
      1. "The Course of True Love Ii"
      2. "The Course of True Love Three"
      3. "Advertizing, The New American Fine art"
      4. "Magicians for Sport"
        or "The Fine Joys of Tobacco"
        or "Horse Flesh for Dinner" (continues with "A Short Walk in a Pretty Town" from the previous section)
        • "Magicians for Sport"
          • "Friends in Very Low Places" (see the continuation in "Further Questions of Female Suffrage" above)
            or "Blessed are the Peacemakers" (continues with "A Brusk Walk in a Pretty Town" from the previous department)
            or "The Fine Joys of Tobacco" (continued beneath)
          • "The Fine Joys of Tobacco"
            • "Equus caballus Flesh for Dinner"
              or "A Short Walk in a Pretty Boondocks" (continues with "Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modernistic" from the previous section)
    • "An Honest Fault"
      1. "Preaching Forgiveness equally He Went"
      2. "Sodom? Back to Gomorrah"
      3. "Blest are the Peacemakers" (continues with "A Curt Walk in a Pretty Town" from the previous section)

Affiliate four: Saint Denis

" Things concluded poorly in Rhodes. The Pinkertons showed upwards once again, and little Jack Marston is kidnapped.

The gang headed to Saint Denis hunting for Jack and are at present hiding exterior town, deep in the swamps, in a rundown old estate house called Shady Belle. Dutch is desperately searching for an escape plan for them all. Hosea meanwhile is hunting a serious score for them.

Chapter overview
  1. "The Joys of Civilization"
  2. "No, No and Thrice, No"
    or "Angelo Bronte, A Man of Honor"
    or "Help a Blood brother Out"
    • "No, No and Thrice, No"
      1. "Horsemen, Apocalypses"
      2. "Urban Pleasures"
      3. "Country Pursuits"
      4. "Revenge is a Dish Best Eaten"
      5. "Banking, The Sometime American Art"
      6. "Lost and Not Quite Constitute" (cutscene)
    • "Angelo Bronte, A Homo of Award"
      • "The Gilt Muzzle"
        or "Fatherhood and Other Dreams"
        • "The Gilded Muzzle"
          1. "A Fine Dark of Debauchery"
          2. "Banking, The Onetime American Fine art"
          3. "Lost and Not Quite Institute" (cutscene)
        • "Fatherhood and Other Dreams"
          1. "American Fathers I"
          2. "American Fathers II"
          3. "Cyberbanking, The Old American Art"
          4. "Lost and Not Quite Found" (cutscene)
    • "Assistance a Brother Out"
      • "Brothers and Sisters, Ane and All"

Affiliate 5: Guarma

" The bank robbery in Saint Denis was a disaster. The gang has been about destroyed, several members were killed and arrested. Everything seemed lost.

Dutch, Micah, Javier, Bill and Arthur escaped on a gunkhole. The boat sank in the Carribean and they were washed aground on the island of Guarma, a sugar cane producing island off the coast of Cuba. The island is dominated by Colonel Fussar, a local tyrant, kept in ability by the saccharide companies. The local workers are despondent. The gang, or what remains of them are pressured into helping by a Haitian smuggler named Hercule. In exchange, he volition endeavour to find them passage back to America.

Chapter overview
  1. "Welcome to the New World"
  2. "A Kind and Benevolent Despot"
    or "Savagery Unleashed"
  3. "Hell Hath No Fury"
  4. "Paradise Mercifully Departed"
  5. "Dear Uncle Tacitus"
  6. "Fleeting Joy"
  7. "That'south Murfree Country"
    or "A Fork in the Road" and "Icarus and Friends" (continues every bit seen below, in Chapter 6, after the completion of That'south Murfree Country)

Note: While "Icarus and Friends" is playable in Chapter v, information technology is considered a Chapter 6 mission, when replaying missions.

Chapter 6: Beaver Hollow

" The gang, or what is left of information technology were reunited at Lakay, but was rapidly assaulted by a squad of Pinkertons.

The gang fled into some unsafe county to the due north and are at present hiding in Beaver Hollow, awaiting their fate and riddled with internal disputes and anxieties. Arthur is not feeling very well and is unsure what to practise.

Chapter overview

How players progress through this chapter depends on which mission they finished with from the previous chapter.

That's Murfree Country branch
  1. "That'southward Murfree Country"
  2. "The Course of True Love Iv"
    or "Money Lending & Other Sins VI"
    or "Visiting Hours"
    • "The Course of True Love Four"
      • "The Grade of True Dear Five"
    • "Coin Lending & Other Sins Half-dozen"
      • "Money Lending & Other Sins VII"
    • "Visiting Hours"
      1. "Merely a Social Call"
      2. "The Delights of Van Horn"
        or "A Rage Unleashed"
        • "The Delights of Van Horn"
          1. "Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow I" and "Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow 2"
          2. "The Span to Nowhere"
          3. "My Last Boy"
          4. "Our All-time Selves"
          5. "Ruby-red Dead Redemption"
        • "A Rage Unleashed"
          • "Goodbye, Love Friend"
            or "Archeology for Beginners"
            • "Goodbye, Dear Friend"
              1. "Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow I" and "Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow 2"
                or "Favored Sons" and "The King's Son"
              2. "My Last Boy" (see continuation above)
            • "Archeology for Beginners"
              1. "Award, Amongst Thieves"
              2. "The Fine Fine art of Conversation"
              3. "The King'due south Son" (run across continuation above)
A Fork in the Route co-operative
  1. "A Fork in the Road"
  2. "Icarus and Friends" (run across in a higher place)
    or "Do Not Seek Absolution I"
    or "Of Men and Angels I"
    • "Icarus and Friends"
      • "Visiting Hours" (encounter continuation above)
    • "Do Not Seek Absolution I"
      • "Do Not Seek Absolution 2"
    • "Of Men and Angels I"
      • "Of Men and Angels 2"

Epilogue, Part 1: Pronghorn Ranch

" John takes a job at Pronghorn Ranch and tries to escape his past indiscretions, while learning the skills of ranching.

He and his family alive nether assumed names, or endeavor to, as they render to some familiar country after several years of wandering in the north and due west.

Affiliate overview
  1. "The Wheel"
  2. "Unproblematic Pleasures"
  3. "Farming, For Beginners"
    or "Fatherhood, For Beginners"
  4. "Old Habits"
  5. "Fatherhood, For Idiots"
    or "Jim Milton Rides, Again?"
  6. "Motherhood"
  7. "Gainful Employment"
    or "The Landowning Classes"
    • "The Landowning Classes"
      • "Home of the Gentry?"

The chapter comprises 11 missions, which can be played in viii different sequences.

Epilogue, Part ii: Beecher'southward Hope

" In an attempt to requite Abigail the life she has e'er wanted, John has bought a subcontract of his own. He is trying to become a family man and a rancher, with help and hindrance from some old friends.
Chapter overview
  1. "Bare Knuckle Friendships"
  2. "An Honest Day'southward Labors"
    or "Abode Comeback for Beginners"
  3. "The Tool Box"
  4. "A New Jerusalem"
  5. "A Quick Favor for an Old Friend"
  6. "Uncle's Bad Day"
  7. "The All-time of Women" (cutscene)
  8. "Trying Once more"
    or "A Actually Large Bastard"
  9. "A New Time to come Imagined"
  10. "American Venom"

The 2d epilogue consists of 12 missions, all of which are non-optional. The 12 missions can be completed in only four different sequences, making the second epilogue one of the capacity which let the player least degree of choices in terms of in which order they progress through the string of missions that they are required to play to reach the terminate of the chapter.

Stranger Side-missions

Below are the 26 of the 31 stranger side-missions for Red Dead Redemption 2. "Brothers and Sisters, One and All", "Do Not Seek Absolution", "Help a Brother Out", "Money Lending and Other Sins" and "Of Men and Angels" are stranger missions as well, but they are also counted as "accolade missions" and thus are included in the capacity above.

  • "A Meliorate World, A New Friend" - 2 parts
  • "A Brilliant Billowy Boy" - Two parts
  • "A Fine Nighttime For It"
  • "A Fisher of Fish" - Two parts
  • "A Exam of Organized religion" - Two parts
  • "All That Glitters"
  • "American Dreams"
  • "Arcadia for Amateurs" - 5 parts
  • "Duchesses and other Animals" - 6 parts
  • "Fundraiser"
  • "Geology for Beginners" - Two parts
  • "He's British, of Course" - Five parts
  • "Idealism and Pragmatism for Beginners" - Three parts
  • "No Good Deed"
  • "Oh, Brother" - 3 parts
  • "Smoking and other Hobbies"
  • "The American Inferno, Burnt Out" - Five parts
  • "The Artist'southward Way" - Four parts
  • "The Iniquities of History" - Two parts
  • "The Mercies of Knowledge" - Seven parts
  • "The Noblest of Men, and a Woman" - Four parts, as well carve up into iv different parts
    • Emmet Granger
    • Flaco Hernandez
    • Billy Midnight
    • Black Belle
  • "The Odor of the Grease Paint" - Two parts
  • "The Ties That Bind Usa" - Iv parts
  • "The Veteran" - Four parts
  • "The Wisdom of the Elders" - Five parts
  • "To the Ends of the World"


  • Charlotte Balfour mission strand - 3 Parts

Companion Activities

Affiliate 2: Horseshoe Overlook

  • 5 Finger Fillet - Lenny Summers
  • Go Hunting - Charles Smith
  • Rob a Homestead - Javier Escuella

Chapter iii: Clemens Point

  • Five Finger Fillet - Micah Bong
  • Dominoes - Tilly Jackson
  • Rob a Homestead - Sean MacGuire
  • Go Fishing - Javier Escuella
  • Get Line-fishing - Kieran Duffy
  • Rob a Stagecoach - Nib Williamson
  • Rob a Stagecoach - Sean MacGuire

Chapter 4: Saint Denis

  • Rob a Bank - Charles Smith*
  • Go Hunting - Simon Pearson
  • Rob a Stagecoach - Lenny Summers
  • Rob a Stagecoach - Micah Bell
  • Go Rustling - Uncle

*Note: "Rob a Bank" for Charles Smith is an exclusive companion action for Special / Ultimate Edition.

Video Walkthrough


Red Dead Redemption two - All Companion Activities Friends With Benefits Trophy

Companion Item Requests

Companion Affiliate Time of Day Asking Advantage
Javier Affiliate 2 8AM - 8PM Oleander Sage Poisonous substance Throwing Knives
Mary-Beth Chapter 2 8AM - 8PM Fountain Pen Band
Pearson Chapter ii (While playing poker with him) 8AM - 2PM Naval Compass Guarma Rum
Jack Chapter two (during the mission "A Fisher of Men") 8AM - 8PM Comic Book Chocolate Bar
Jack Affiliate 2 (after the mission "A Fisher of Men") 8AM - 8PM Thimble Jack's Drawing UI
Abigail Chapter ii (afterwards the mission "A Fisher of Men") 8AM - 8PM $5 Honor
Tilly Affiliate 3 (While playing dominoes with her) 8AM - 8PM Necklace 2 Health Cures
Sadie Affiliate 3 (during the mission "Further Questions of Female Suffrage") 8AM - 8PM Harmonica Gun Oil
Hosea Chapter three 8AM - 8PM 2 American Ginseng Strong Health Cure
Molly Chapter 3 8AM - 8PM Pocket Mirror Cigar
Kieran Chapter 3 12PM - 6PM ii Burdock Roots Horse Care Items:
  • Horse Stimulant
  • Horse Meal Pamphlet
Sean Chapters 2-3 8AM - 6PM Kentucky Bourbon Burn Bottles
Bill Chapters ii-4 8AM - 8PM Pilus Pomade Repeater Cartridges - High Velocity
Charles Chapters ii-4 8AM - 8PM 1st Request: Moonshine
second Asking: Oleander Sage
1st Asking: Burn down Arrows
2nd Request: Poison Arrows
Dutch Capacity 2-4 8AM - 8PM Piping Spurs UI
Hosea Chapters 2-four 8AM - 8PM The Case of the Shrew in the Fog Book Predator Bait
Susan Chapters 2-four 8AM - 8PM Whatsoever 2 Seasoning Herbs:
  • Wild Mint
  • Oregano
  • Creeping Thyme
Stiff Miracle Tonic
Pearson Capacity 2-4 8AM - 2PM Rabbit Carcass Lookout Jacket UI
Lenny Chapters 2-4 8PM - 3AM Pocket Watch Dynamite
Charles Epilogue Part II 8AM - 8PM Eagle Feathers Horse Reviver
Uncle Post-Game 8AM - 8PM Home Remedy Ingredients:
  • Milkweed
  • Kentucky Bourbon
  • Peppermint
  • Pilus Pomade
  • Skunk Carcass
  • Tornado Boots UI
  • Classic Frock Coat UI
  • Drifter Hat UI
  • Frontier Vest UI
  • The best time to trigger an detail request (besides during missions and companion activities) is from noon to approximately the evening. This makes information technology easier equally the gang members are not comatose or eating dinner despite some of them not being available after 12pm or later 3pm.
  • Due to Lenny's request being at night, it is best triggered at around 10pm as the gang members tend to stay up for a long fourth dimension at night.
  • In that location are possibilities that some companions won't inquire for the items they are looking for, in Chapters 3-4, such equally Pearson asking for a Rabbit, or Sean asking for a bottle of Kentucky Bourbon. To avert this, players should aim to complete the above item requests equally early/soon as possible.
  • UI denotes a Unique Item.

Video Walkthrough


Cherry-red Dead Redemption 2 - All Item Requests & Locations (Errand Boy Bays)


  • During function 2 of the epilogue, John becomes indebted to the depository financial institution. Fifty-fifty if the player acquires the indebted sum of $465 or more outside of the main missions, the coin can't be used to pay off the debt and the player must instead consummate the storyline missions that issue in John making the payments.

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